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Associative memory input in "Description"


Komentarze: 4

  • Yaro

    Hello Lin!

    Your post is really hard to understand. I have tried my best to make it clear. I think I have caught the idea you have. Next time, please use Google Translate.

  • Lin

    Hello Yaro,


    First of all, thank you for trying to understand my post, my apologies for the inconvenience.

    The fact is that I have read your post about the rules who wants to post in this community.

    Nevertheless,if this community is facing for the end users from all over the world, language barrier will still exist,even with google translation. From my experience of google translation, sometimes it makes big differences from another  native laguages.

    The problem is not only the language, also this area(money pro related such as finance,IT vocabulary) itself is hard to make it clear enough to understand, even if I want to explain with this post by using my own language, I think it is not so common topic to bring it up, and make it clear to everyone.

    That's why I tried to explain it with an example.


  • Patriq Hansson

    I think I understand what Lin is suggesting, and I agree. 
    I write a description on each and every income/expense entry, and often it is descriptions I have used before. So it would be nice if they are automatically suggested again.

    As an example, if I have already used the description Wallmart on an entry. The next time I start writing Wal.. a suggestion to auto fill Wallmart should show up. 

    I would be great if this would work in the iOS apps as well as in the Apple Watch app. 

  • Bruno Aramaki


    Also, it would be nice if, instead of showing category selection panel first when adding a transaction, the app just started showing the whole transaction panel (probably with the word 'Choose' in category selection and also a greyed out disabled 'Save' button for obvious reasons), so one would start by typing the description, let's use the example from Patriq, 'Walmart', as one begins to type it, it shows the suggestion list, after picking the word 'Walmart' from the list, it fetches the last category used for this transaction description, let's say 'Groceries' and automatically fill in the category section.

    This way it would make the transaction adding flow much easier and faster and it would prevent mistyping description or misselecting category.

    Imagine you typed 'Wlamart' when adding the transaction and someday you want to know how much you spent specifically at that place on a given month by searching the word 'Walmart', the mistyped transaction won't show up. Or imagine you added it to 'Shopping' category instead of 'Groceries', and you try to fetch a report of your expenses on groceries, it would be incorrect.


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